Embrace Your Visit With Information And Preparedness - Preparing For A Skin Cancer Screening

If you've noticed a spot on your skin that's giving you reason for concern, the responsible thing to do is to have it checked by a dermatologist. However, without proper preparation for your visit and a complete understanding of what's in store, you might end up wasting your time or, even worse, having a visit that's counterintuitive to your needs.

Preparation is the best way to get reliable results, and that preparation requires expanding your knowledge base. Below, you'll find a guide to a few steps you should take when preparing for a skin cancer screening. By following these suggestions, you can be sure that you'll get the accurate results and peace of mind that you need.

Take Personal Inventory

While in other medical fields this means generating an emotional accounting of the things that are bothering you, skin cancer patients simply need to have a full understanding of their body. If you don't have all potential sources of trouble on your skin mapped out, your doctor may not know how to check you thoroughly.

Keep in mind, of course, that your skin also consists of areas that may be regularly covered. Your scalp, your armpits, and even your nail beds can be starting points for malignant growth. Exploring those areas carefully will go a long way toward making sure potential trouble spots are all checked.

Understand Your Moles

Avoiding common misconceptions is an important step in not only accurately pointing out potential problem areas, but also in avoiding unnecessary stress. A mole that you may spend hours or days fretting over might be entirely normal, and you may not realize it because you've fallen for an old wives' tale.

As long as a mole remains both symmetrical and consistent, it's unlikely to pose a high risk for skin cancer and having to get skin cancer treatments. While it's still responsible to have your dermatologist check these areas, be sure not to work yourself into a frenzy considering serious risks that, indeed, may never actually come to fruition.

Ask For Exam Assistance

As mentioned above, having a complete understanding of your skin is an important step in being able to accurately assess potential trouble spots. If you've never been shown how to do a proper inspection, though, you may not know what you're missing. In the course of your visit, be sure to ask your doctor if he or she can show you how to conduct a self-exam that will be thorough, effective, and efficient. 
